rap lyrics to put as fb status

Hip hop music - Wikipedia, the free.
People like quoting song lyrics as Facebook/Twitter updates typically for one of two reasons- 1.) They've run out of things to say 2.) They think it makes them sound
Feel free to comment on other people's FM ERBoH's, and ask them to comment on yours. You can also put a link to your FM ERBoH page in your signature.
Songtexte, Lyrics und Musik-News Songtexte, Lyrics und Musik-News
rap lyrics to put as fb status
Epic Rap Battles of History Season 1.
Pitbull's latest music video has already been revealed and it's really joyfull, all the action has been reviewed from different viewpoints. The video is on split
28.02.2011 · I need some good status's like from a new rap song or a good quote. It can about anything,just nothing lame please. Thankssss <3
Where YN Lives. Rap Radar is the Premiere Rap Blog for the latest news, music and video in Hip Hop Culture.
Hip hop music, also called hip-hop, rap music, or hip-hop music, is a music genre consisting of a stylized rhythmic music that commonly accompanies rapping, a
NRHH: Some funny things to put on.
Lyrics and Music News at eLyricsWorld.com

I need some really good fb status's from.
Die Songtext-Community bietet nach Interpreten geordnete Texte mit variabler Suchmöglichkeit.
Rap Lyrics
17.05.2011 · Best Answer: "I should've never tried anal" "Basedgod, can i lick that @sscrack?" "I've had so much nut in my throat today it's unbelieveble" "I'm
Don't read into it too much I hear you rappin but I think I heard enough Your sh** is dead and outdated top notch to the top, I'm rated while you still freestylin and