Steady flashing num lock dell 1526

dell inspiron 1525 flashing 9 lock. What does a padlock with number 9 on a.
Inspiron 1526 black screen - boot failure
Strange black screen issue Inspiron 1526.
Steady flashing num lock dell 1526
A friend just gave me their Dell Inspiron 1526 laptop thinking it is completely dead and hoping I could part it out or possibly fix it. She provideddell inspiron 1525 flashing 9 lock.
Folks, friend of mine has a Dell laptop. Someone told him it was not repairable. I have some electronics engineering degrees, and around these parts, I'm known as the
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So I'm guessing the "9", "A", and "down arrow" are your num lock, caps lock, and scroll lock lights? Are they just constantly blinking with nothing happening?
I found a way to solve your problem and hopefully this will work. Please do follow this steps carefully so it will have a higher chance of working.
I've got a Dell Inspiron 1526 with no POST, no screen activity, no disk activity. The dash lights do come on but they stop with the Caps Lock and Num Lock lights
Dell Inspiron 1526 Laptop Issue.

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I have the same issue except my 1526 LCD is yet to show any sign of life. My Dell Inspiron 1526 won't restore after hibernation. After a recent Vista update the